In other fun, last week I also got to take the written driver's test (my license expired in July, as a kind TSA agent pointed out to me at O'Hare while indicating the not-quite-but-almost-
strip-search section of security I was to report to). When the DMV matron took a look at my license and me, she rather naturally questioned my appearance change, and I rather naturally mentioned chemo. All expressions of everyone beyond the counter changed, and oh my gosh, the bad reputation the DMV has totally changed. So, so nice. They were trying to figure out how I could get out of taking the test via a doctor's excuse, looking at different options for me, all the while I'm thinking, "hey gals, it's cool, I studied for like two hours for this!" In the end I took my computer test in record time, passed no problem (between Cara and I were ok in a hydroplaning, skidding vehicle, but I don't recommend being in either with just one of us), and now have a driver's license that actually looks like me.
I wandered to Milwaukee with the kids Tuesday night and then took myself to Chicago early Wednesday morning to help Cara with some decorating at her place -- of which I am HUGELY jealous because it's beautiful. A nice evening with the sis and brother-in-law to be, and then Cara and I headed back to Milwaukee early Thursday morning. Andrew met us at the site of their reception where I was lucky enough to join them for their wedding menu tasting. Can't wait for October!
The rest of the week went quickly between work around the house and the holiday weekend. Our niece, Lauren, was baptized Easter Sunday, so we were in Des Moines for the day. Lauren, as always, was utterly charming, and any little squeaks she made during mass were more than drowned out by her cousin Cavanaugh!
I started back to work today, uneventfully, thank goodness. The kids seemed glad to see me (strangely enough my 7th graders were practically ecstatic, and I don't think they really like me very much...), and my classroom was in reasonably good order. I have a short teaching week this week because of conferences, then two more solid weeks of classes before my surgery. Starting to warm up here (and ok, Anita, that means it might be 50! No sandboxes for my kids yet!)
Carpe diem. - Trela
1 comment:
Well, I can't very well leave this one with no comment...but I think that you cursed us with cold weather (yes, like in the 50s!)...we had to close the sandbox for almost the whole last week, but it was 78 today and a high of 83 is predicted for there! You can still get away before your surgery...!! :) You never cease to amaze me...your level of productivity the week after recovering from five weeks of treatment puts me to shame...! Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers...keep me posted and call anytime!!
love, peace, and happiness, sunflowers too!
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