Know what else is obnoxious? Dry air. Really, really, really horribly dry air. I spent most of yesterday at work blind... or mostly blind,
For some reason, presumably dry air, I looked like that ad with the giant fake RED eyeball that they pour eye solution on and it magically turns clear again. Actually, I looked like TWO of those commercials... so of course, I ran out of class and got the drops, thinking it was a no brainer! Not so much luck with that -- I ended up at my eye doctor at 6:45 last night and heard more "hmmmm's" than I was really comfortable with. The upshot seemed to be that he didn't know the cause, but suspected dry air combined with my contact usage as a possible option. So, prescription eye drops four times a day in both eyes for 10 days, then another appointment and stern instructions to moisturize. Clearly a nice man, but a man who hasn't been in a not-so-new school building in a long time, therefore not realizing that the heat, when it is actually delivered, is of the dry variety. Like Arizona. Yippie.
I pushed it today and went to work even though I felt lousy. (I feel like that could also be the title to a memoir...) We're expecting a whopper of a storm tonight and I HAD to get my homeroom kids their Christmas ornaments in case we don't have school tomorrow. After my nose protested the dry air by gushing nasty stuff for 5 minutes resulting in my needing to dash out of class and stuff Kleenex up my nose oh-so-professionally, my eyes started stinging and I snapped at a few kids, so I thought better of it. I asked to leave and was granted... or maybe they just don't want their teachers looking high? I took a two hour nap this afternoon and that seems to have helped my mood, but I definitely could still audition for that eye drop commercial. So, I'm sitting in the office, lights off, monitor dimmed posting on my blog. I feel a little pathetic. But whatever, no one will yell at me for not posting! : )
Stupid gigantic Styrofoam eye, eat your heart out!
Carpe diem (in the dark... hmm, that sounds bad...) - Trela