Thursday, November 15, 2007

Non Medical Stuff

So I actually have time to post some other things! Here are some pictures from our 5th annual pumpkin carving party, Trick or Treating with the kids (Kile is a bat, Cavanaugh is a bunny) and my newly engaged sister and Andrew. It's been a really busy few weeks!

: )
Carpe diem.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

All's Well That Ends Well

Ok, so the fact that I'm using the literary part of my brain to pull a not totally dull title for this post out of my head should be an indicator of my health right now.

Surgery went fine, even if it was significantly delayed. My anesthesia person was in another surgery, so when he finished it was already after 3. Then they had to recheck the room to make sure there was no latex in it (still not sure why every time I go there it's a shock to the surgical nurses that I'm allergic to latex... it's been in my chart, folks!). Probably didn't get started until about 4, and the first time I remember seeing a clock was about 5:45. They had to put a weird blanket on me in recovery because I was shivering so much, but it worked (weird because it like puffed with air through a vacuum like nozzle). I hate the whole coming out of anesthesia routine, but my nausea was really not bad at all this time.

It's 10pm now, and I got home about 15 minutes ago. My best friend picked me up at the hospital (despite her overwhelming fear of iv's, needles, blood, etc.) since Eric came down with the flu at about 3am this morning. She's also subbing for me during my week's "vacation" so we were able to chat about kids and classroom stuff. I really feel very good. I walked out of the hospital, buckled my own seatbelt and was coherent for the ride home. My dad, of course, asked when the pain killers would wear off... ha.

So, yep, good day overall (for me, anyway! Eric's still suffering!). Thanks again for all of the good vibes and prayers! Sitting on my bed in the "on deck" circle this afternoon I imagined them all covering me like a little blankie (can we tell I have toddlers?) and I felt really calm. I actually wasn't nervous about surgery at all, and that tells you how powerful your good thoughts and prayers are.

Carpe diem.

4 For 4

I love Rachel. Seriously.

Chest x-ray was fine this morning, headed up to the hospital for surgery this afternoon!

Carpe diem.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

On the Road to Barbie-ville

Yikes. Been too long, sorry about that, folks. I know you've been sitting in front of your computers for weeks now just waiting for a new update from me... ha.

It's been a while, so this post will entail far more medical updates than you're used to. Count that as a disclaimer, so if you really don't want to know (read: if you're a boy I work with and the info will freak you out), my best advice is for you to skim.

OK, so deal is tomorrow I have my three-month check (for those of you not paying attention, this time on the rotation is the chest x-ray, slightly less scary than the CT which I'll have in... anyone, anyone? Yeah, that would be February.). That's in the morning, labs, x-ray, visit with my kind doctor who I sincerely hope begins to tire of the sight of me since nothing on my chart will change except the date. Here's hoping, and praying...

Tomorrow afternoon (assuming the morning is fine) is when the real fun begins. I'm finally going to be rid of this lovely expander and dent in my chest. Yeah, if you didn't notice the dent, well, good, you shouldn't have been looking, but trust me, it's there. Just look in my best friend's wedding pictures. Sigh. Anyway, they're taking out this softball and replacing it with my (dare I say it?) permanent implant. Yes, boys and girls, tomorrow, at approximately 3:30 pm, I will become a resident of Silicone Valley. And the dent (which is the outside version of stitches used to hold my expander down since Mayo messed up and chose to give me the appearance of a breast on my shoulder, not such a good look, really) will be gone. Phew.

After this surgery, which could actually be the last time I have to go under, I only have two more "procedures"... one will be an outpatient jobby to reconstruct the nipple. That's followed by an in-office tattoo job that I'm told will only take 20 minutes or so. I'm not sure how long I have to wait before those two procedures... at least three months, I'm thinking. You know, those same three months that I'll be in sports bra purgatory. Never thought I'd long for an underwire...

So, thanks for the continued good thoughts and good wishes (and for the crowd of coworkers that either wished me well at school today or called me tonight). I'm less nervous than normal, but that of course only causes me to be more nervous... darn vicious circle...

Carpe diem.