So since my last post life has been slightly more hectic than normal, but that's like saying that today was 98 degrees instead of 96... really, what's the diff?
Eric and I took a mini break to Chicago (not related to this sentence
Tuesday we reclaimed our little people and headed into the heart of Chicago. Our first stop was at Marina City
We scampered back around the swan boat pond and beat the meter maid to our car (only about 2 minutes over, but still!), picked up my car at Cara and Andrew's place and headed onto the Kennedy. At 6pm. On a Tuesday. During summer (aka, construction season in Chicago). Unbelievably, it only took us 45 minutes to get to our next destination, and that included Eric totally missing his exit and me hightailing it on Touhy to catch and redirect him, no small feat in rush hour traffic. (And yes, Iowa pals, 45 minutes is truly amazing, no traditional Trela sarcasm there.)
My favorite part of arriving at our next destination was Kile's reaction: (yelling... REALLY yelling) "Hey! Mommy! Mom! Those hot dogs!!! You have pictures of them!!!" as if it were a surprise to me that first, Superdawg did in fact exist, secondly, that I knew how to get there and thirdly, that we were actually turning into the parking lot.
Now I sort of digress, because it factors in later: While we were in line some poor soul was attempting to order a dog for what I assumed was his elderly mother. He asked for a bun without poppy seeds on it, and lots of ketchup. Everyone else in the place looked at him as if he were from another planet and several customers and I exchanged looks. Eric seemed oblivious, which only foreshadowed the disaster yet to come.
In Chicago, hotdogs come two ways -- with peppers or without. It's a poppy seed bun. That's it. There are onions and mustard and relish, usually an unnatural green color. Anything red in color is either the hotdog itself or random tomato slices. Ketchup and these dogs do not mix. Every Chicagoan knows this. (If you don't believe me... and Cavanaugh had half of her hotdog in her mouth before Eric took his first bite, mine was (obviously) already gone. Kile was protesting that he didn't like hot dogs, a flat out baldfaced lie. (Hence Eric being behind in the eating, because he was trying to reason with Kile... silly Eric.) It was a big moment for me, first time taking Eric to my old stomping grounds, first Chicago hot dogs for the kids, vague reminiscences of high school hot dogs, and bonding with my oncologist over those magical neon dogs in the sky. I stared at dear husband waiting for that first bite and outwardly cringed when he took the ketchup packet out of the bag (there are, after all some
Finally, while my head swims with visions of all of the nature vs. nurture scenarios, Kile succumbs to hunger and takes a bite of the hot dog. He simply (and rather anticlimactically) declares it the best one he's ever had. (Ok, some prompting from his mother there.) But what of the husband? The life partner, the one to whom I have pledged my everything? The stress, the anxiety, the FEAR of not knowing his reaction to my first true love... Did I throw away 9 years of my life on a non-Chicagoan? Eric, clearly not sensing my angst, calmly continued eating the dog, sans ketchup, without a single reaction visible in his face. Just when I couldn't bear the suspense any longer, he turned to me and said, "Hmm. I think I like Nathan's Famous better."
I'm contemplating filing divorce papers next week.
Carpe diem. -- Trela