Tuesday, September 05, 2006

C Day

Phew! Sorry about the lack of posts recently -- the last few weeks have been a whirlwind!

We're finally all set to begin chemotherapy tomorrow. After several weeks looking at treatment in Waterloo we've actually decided to pursue opportunities in Cedar Rapids, about 50 minutes away. There were several reasons for the change, but it basically came down to bedside manner and the fact that my new doctor actually knows my doctor at Mayo. I feel more comfortable with the time he and his facility have taken to work with our situation, and I'm confident we're making a better decision. This clinic is actually affiliated with Mayo, also, and it is the one my Mayo doctor had originally mentioned having cooperated with before. If only we'd listened earlier...

In preparation for the treatment I had a ventricular scan done locally today in order to make sure my heart was in good enough shape for treatment. Apparently one of the chemo drugs can cause heart damage, so another scan will be done after a few treatments to make sure everything is progressing ok. Heart checked out fine in their preliminary results, so we're all set to start tomorrow morning with an initial session reaching upwards of eight hours. I'll be treated tomorrow and Thursday, then have two clear weeks before starting again on week three.

Eric and I have been staying busy working on electrical for our porch, finishing the flooring, and working full time! School is going very well for me so far and I think I found a good sub today in the event I need to miss more days than we're planning on. My building has been incredibly supportive which is part of the reason I'm so determined to keep working -- it's nice having an extra thirty or forty people out there rooting for me. I was very upfront with the kids and after the initial round of questions they've learned to just roll with it. Haven't we all?

Carpe diem. - Trela

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