Saturday, July 29, 2006

Let Her Eat Cake

No great surprises at Mayo yesterday... we met with my oncologist who reviewed the surgical report with us. No new information, nothing better, nothing worse, so we're pretty much where we were before the meeting. We are definitely going to be doing chemotherapy (Doc keeps using the word "preventative" before the word chemo and I LOVE that sound.), probably starting right around the time I head back to work. That should be fun. (Adam, insert sarcasm lights around that sentence.)

We'll be meeting with a radiation oncologist on the 9th to determine if radiation is even something we'll be pursuing, and the chemo schedule will probably be set up based on that.

Regardless, it will be about a six month chemo deal and we'll need to bid my lovely locks farewell. Pantene has a new program (Pantene Beautiful Lengths)that requires only 8 inches instead of the 10 inches required by Locks of Love, so I'm going to look into that before my treatment starts. Plus, though I love the cause for Locks of Love, Pantene's program works with a company that makes wigs for women who've lost hair due to cancer treatment... seems a bit more appropriate.

Spirits are still good, appetite is returning to normal, my pain level is really excellent (which is good since I've got about a day and a half of pain meds left), and other than it being bloody hot outside everything else is well! My appointment this week (since apparently I'm meeting a subconscious goal to head to Minnesota at least once a week) is purely cosmetic to check in with my plastic surgeon. As long as there are no infections that should be a piece of cake... which I'll be eating on Monday to celebrate #31 (yikes!). Should be an interesting year. Carpe diem - Trela

1 comment:

Mona said...

Happy Birthday, Trela! Wow! I just read your dad's post. I'm glad there is no competetion between the parents :) 'cause how could I keep up with that! I think back to before Kile's birth...I gave you a baby quilt, they sent you to Dublin. and I could go on and on and now this post from your dad!... but really, there is NO competetion! I hope you are feeling well enough to go for lunch today in which case I will see you later. Maybe soon you feel like coming and hanging with me in the shop to make some fun stuffed animals or remake your house or something. :) Have a great birthday from the "monster" in law.