115 degrees. Fortunately the technical genius waited until late in the 8th inning to show us the temperature on the field... fortunately our seats remained feet, then inches away from sunlight for nearly the entire game. Seeing Pujols homer in an otherwise relatively uneventful game didn't hurt either. (I know, I know, I'm a complete traitor to my Northwest side Chicago roots. If it helps I still can't stand to watch the Cards play the Cubs...)
We're getting ready to leave for Rochester early tomorrow morning for my series of appointments beginning at 9am. I feel as if perhaps I should be more nervous, but I've been so overwhelmed by support recently it's really carrying me through. I wanted to make sure to tell you how much I appreciate all of the comments left on this blog -- especially by people who don't really know me at all (ok, my sister's friends rock, that much is clear). Fewer of my friends have posted anything but I know that's because they're too busy calling me to see what I need, to remind me they are there practically at my beck and call. It's been hard for me to ask for help, but I'm getting better!
My co-workers and I spent a great evening making 12 gourmet meals through Everyone's a Chef -- such a great gesture that we'll continue to reap the benefits of! (everyonesachef.com, by the way... they're in Cedar Falls). Your thoughtfulness humbles me.
On that note, I'm off to finish packing and get some sleep before tomorrow. Eric will post sometime Wednesday I'd imagine. I'm going to be too busy concentrating on kicking this thing in it's ugly little tail. Carpe diem. - Trela
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