I'm working up through Tuesday because sitting at home seems rather pointless. Apparently my positive energy befuddles many people but I still don't understand the point of wallowing. Am I scared? Of course, I'm terrified! However, whether I'm fine or not, I don't think spending days a witchy, irritated, angry, depressed mess is going to cure cancer (but let me know if you read any research otherwise... I can change! Ha!)
Eric and I spent all of last weekend burning nervous energy by moving our bedroom into the basement bedroom (which I've been working on for a few months), and then moving Kile into our old room. Of course, lots of gallons of paint again, but if you know that side of me, you already know that Eric kids me about my monthly paint budget. I had intended on my next post simply being a "look what I did to my house" blog, but life doesn't always work out that way. Regardless, since I'm totally determined to not become derailed, here's some photos of what we've done:
Here's what our basement bedroom used to look like:

And here's now:
And here's our old room...
My Mom thinks maybe this weekend I'll paint the garage... maybe, if it weren't 10 below zero!
Carpe diem. - Trela
WOW!!! What an awesome job you did with those rooms & what a big helper Kile was too! :) The colors are great!
I"ll be thinking about you on Wednesday,as always, and praying for only good news!
Lots of Hugs..... Lisa
Cute bunks. :)
Hi Trela - my name is Erica Yesko and I'm a friend of Cara's. I have heard so much about you! You did an amazing job helping Cara decorate her place - and on your new bedroom! You have a gift :) I just wanted you to know that even though we haven't met yet, I am sending prayers, and healing energy your way every day. I don't believe that cancer stands a chance against your sense of humor and vibrant spirit. I can't wait to meet you!
Remember when you said "You can't worry when you're laughing. It's like crying and eating ice cream at the same time." I've had that on a post-it note on my office wall for months now. We're thinking positive thoughts for you. P.S. I could use some decorating tips...Stacey
If there aren't any weird gangs at Mayo, I think you should wear your Chucks to your appointments. I'll wear mine too- together with the Chucks we'll beat the cancer right out of ya- plus we'll look cool. And I know it is super cold, but we can just double up on the socks:)
I want pictures on the next blog...
I'll be sleeping late for you on Wednesday! : ) BTW I love your decorating. You'll have to come to Boston and work on my apt!
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