Sunday, September 17, 2006

Checking in, Part 3

One more full week until my next treatment, and other than the suspicious strands of hair in my brush I'm suffering no ill effects. Part of me almost wishes it would just all fall out already so I don't have to keep playing the, "is this normal, or is it chemo?" game. We have Open House at school on Tuesday and I'm really tempted to just see my fabulous hairstylist before that so I don't have to worry if this last run through with the brush will be the end of it. Trying wigs on this Saturday was a humbling experience, not because I'm nervous about the baldness, but because even on my BEST day, my hair never looked as good as any of the wigs. I'm convinced that's how people are going to be able to tell it's not real! It just looks too good! Ah, to have such problems.

Other than that, I'm a little more tired than normal, although since I'm also adjusting to the back to school routine, it's tough to tell if that's really abnormal or not. My students have been relatively good thus far, though the stack of grading waiting me Monday is a bit intimidating. I'm sure it will be fine...

Mom and Dad are here this weekend to fix whatever else in my house seems broken, rearrange the kids' clothes, dig up my front garden and help Eric with continued front porch renovations. If only my house could always be this clean...

Carpe diem - Trela

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